無憂珍藏 Extra-tough floors in high quality also suitable for use in commercial settings.
Extra-tough floors in high quality 
-also suitable for use in commercial settings.Beautiful rooms deserve a beautiful floor. With Floordreams Vario from Krono Original®, even the most ambi-tious design concepts can be realised. The perfect choice for the commercial sector – especially with heavy footfall. Because the surface is not only impres-sive for its aesthetic appearance with attractive decors, but also for its outstan-ding durability. A further striking feature: the 4-sided bevel for a luxurious look. A floor for discerning users – in every respect.


無憂建材有限公司 │ 地 址:高雄市鳥松區大同路23之81號 │ 電 話:886-7-733-1589 / 886-7-7353029 │ 傳 真:886-7-7351392